Coaching and Consultations


One-on-One Consulting Initial consultation free
This initial consultation is to make sure Meli the Highflyer is a great fit to help you meet your goals. Keep scrolling for more info about Meli the Highflyer members.

$195 for 90 minute Drone Bee Consultation
Unlike other bees, Drone bees are seasonal and have a vital role in the bee colony. This 90 Minute stand-alone consultation is to make sure you are on track for your goals. We will establish a plan and boundaries for financial freedom.

$395 for one 2 hour Worker Bee Consultation
This two-hour worker bee consultation is all the buzz. This session is an intense session to review goals and set up a plan to reach your dreams as soon as possible.

$995 Three 90 minute Queen Bee consultation
Each consultation will address different financial goals and ensure that we set up a successful plan together. The financial journey is a process, but you will build the foundation for your hive.

$95 60 minutes follow up consultation
If you have purchased one of the Bee consultation packages, this is a follow-up consultation to get back on track or reset for new goals and/or life events.

5-Week Generational Wealth Workshops (Dates TBD) $150.

Book readings of Purple Lemonade (Dates TBD)